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Pain Management

Redwood City, CA

New Patient Chiropractic Evaluation Only $89

Pain Management with our Redwood City Chiropractors

Redwood City residents and those who live in the nearby communities are invited to Awender Chiropractic for pain management. If you are seeking the natural relief of chiropractic care, please speak with us about our effective pain management options.

You do not have to live in pain. We can show you a better way and a way that does not require any medications. This eliminates side effects and uses your body’s strengths to heal your discomfort.

Our chiropractors deliver effective pain management to provide relief for conditions such as fibromyalgia, back pain, headaches, shoulder pain, hip discomfort and migraines. Whether your pain is new or if you have been struggling with it for years, Awender Chiropractic provides services to eliminate your discomfort and help you manage your pain.

senior male patient suffering from back ache

Chiropractic Care for Pain

When you first arrive at our office, our immediate goal is to decrease your pain. We do this through chiropractic care:

Gentle chiropractic adjustments that position your spine and your joints into alignment – This reduces pressure on nerves that may be sending pain signals throughout your body. A healthy spine and joints also move easier and with less discomfort.

Massage therapy to eliminate muscular pain – If you are dealing with tight muscles or scar tissue from previous injuries, massage therapy eliminates the tightness. This improves your mobility and manages your pain. Massage therapy is also a wonderful way to relax which eliminates stress and pain.

Spinal decompression can create more space between your vertebrae – This is beneficial is your pain is due to herniated discs. The added space helps your body reabsorb the disc into its proper, pain-free position.

Once we have successfully reduced your discomfort, we work on correcting the issue that led to your pain. If your back pain is the result of poor posture and you need exercises to improve your core strength, we focus on improving your posture. This may include rearranging your workstation to alleviate neck and back pain or changing the way you work to eliminate overuse.

As your Redwood City chiropractor watches your body becomes more balanced, your care plan changes to a maintenance phase. We strive to help you eliminate future pain by keeping your body healthy and aligned. Our chiropractor Redwood City CA wants you to achieve a pain-free state in which you are free to enjoy your favorite activities without discomfort.

Contact our Redwood City Chiropractors to Schedule an Appointment Today!

Dr. Awender and the health team at Awender Chiropractic encourage you to contact us as soon as possible for pain management services. The sooner we begin treatments, the less likely you are to struggle with lasting concerns. Pain management does not have to be a foreign concept. It is achievable in a natural way with chiropractic care. Plus, our treatments are gentle and will not increase your pain level. To learn more or to schedule your evaluation with Dr. Awender, please reach out to us today by calling (650) 366-1273.